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Join Request : ChRiS#^ [ DM/RACE ]

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Nick: ChRiS#^
Nombre real: Christian
Edad y Fecha de Nacimiento: my age is 13 date of birth is 01/07/2001
Como te calificas : I started playing Mta in December 2013, set the 6 and a half months, began in a gamer portal server old after I was improving my skills went looking for servers whose maps were more difficult. I spent two months in the portal, soon after I entered the BW stayed two months in this clan, but after closing it and never went back. Soon after came PG clan But he also closed. When I entered the Portal Gamer I was a nobody did not do anything to turn the car etc. But then improved, began to participate in the server clans, but the server was old school, but I still loved. After a friend of mine into the Bw clan and called me, I got more out of friendship, confidence picked up soon took two months in the clan, but closed. I was a little time without clan and found the pG clan did jr and I, I was the clan, but clan he also closed more emerged - | NTL | - I have to leave some time in the clan. I was a few weeks without clan, now found ~Hg// clan and enjoyed the server and members, and I believe this clan can evolve enough, and here I am doing my jr try any chance to enter the clan.
En que clan has estado anteriormente: ~pG / Bw / -|nTL|- and -|PG|-
Como conociste el clan?: met clan thanks to a friend Sandy, she told me of the clan, I entered the server like the server and scripts and host also a good host without lag
Porque Quieres entrar al clan?: Now I want to talk about my reasons for this application. My reasons to join ~Hg//. Well, first, I entered the server threw quite liked the server and members also looks like an amazing community that will improve every day without doubt .this clan in my opinion has an amazing feature in front and a lot of great things will happen here.
Horas a las que juegas habitualmente: game more than 6 hours a day
Xfire/Skype/Facebook : skype : christian.pereira39 | facebook
A cuantos FPS juegas: 50

I hope you enjoy my jr. xD
Best Regards
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